
The hamstrings involve three posterior thigh muscles between the hip and the knee. The group of three gluteal muscles make up the muscles in the buttocks and side of the hip. Hip flexors are the group of muscles that are located in the front of the hip and lift the knee toward the body. The adductors are located in the groin are typically associated with the classic groin strain. Tendinitis and tears can develop when the muscles and tendons begin to break down and are repetitively overloaded with strenuous activity.

What are the symptoms?

  • Sharp or burning pain
  • Dull throbbing or aching
  • Tenderness to touch
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Weakness
  • Trouble with mobility
Woman doing a forward lunge with hands together in front of chest

What treatment options are available?

If the symptoms persist, it is recommended to schedule a consultation with Dr. Yoon. A comprehensive evaluation will be performed and a treatment plan can then be discussed based on the findings.

Message Us

Steve Yoon, M.D.
6801 Park Terrace, Ste 125
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Office: 310-891-1411

Dear Patients,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share with you that after much careful thought and consideration, I will be leaving Cedars-Sinai. I will remain with Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic but as an out of network provider. I will remain in my current office location. My last day with Cedars Sinai will be September 30, 2024.

My highest priority is to ensure that you are well cared for and minimally impacted by this change. My trusted Cedars-Sinai orthopedic physician colleagues are available to take on your care should you choose to not continue with me. I have the utmost confidence that they will be able to provide you with the best care moving forward. If you would like to make your next appointment with one of my colleagues, please call 1-800-CEDARS-1.

I am looking forward to the new changes to my practice and will continue to update everyone through my website at

I have greatly valued the relationship with you and all my patients over the years and thank you for entrusting me with your care. I wish you continued health and wellness.

Warmest regards,

Steve Yoon, M.D.